McKenzie Pass Scenic Tour

  • Price: $ 75
  • Duration: 6 Hours
  • Distance: 38 miles
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Ages: 12+
  • Location: Sisters, OR
  • Max Group Size: 4

Experience the awe-inspiring beauty of McKenzie Pass on a guided bicycle tour, with a unique opportunity to ride on a road that is typically closed to motor vehicles before June 15th. Booking the trip before this date will allow you to ride without any cars, enhancing the serene atmosphere of this incredible journey. If you venture out early enough, you'll be amazed by giant snow walls on both sides of the road, formed by plows clearing the way for the summer season – a truly spectacular sight!

The climb to the top is not for the faint of heart, but the reward is worth it. You'll be greeted by a lava-rock moonscape that spreads out before you for miles, a view unlike anything you've probably ever encountered on a bike ride. Along the way, you'll follow an 1860s wagon route and pass through Windy Point, where you'll get a great view of Mt. Washington and your first look at the vast, 2,000-year-old lava flow.

At the summit, you'll be able to explore the lava-rock-constructed Dee Wright Observatory, which provides 360-degree views of mountains, buttes, and other topography. Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience!

Water and snacks provided.

  • 3 people with bikes posing at the summit of McKenzie Pass, sunny sky and mountain views in the background
  • 2 people posing on their bikes in front of a wall of snow next to the road
  • Beautiful scene featuring a wooden fence, a green pasture, and the sisters mountains in the background
  • A picture taken from behind of 3 ciclist biking up the McKenzie Pass, blue skies and tall trees loom overhead
  • A picture of a woman biking up the McKenzie Pass, looking at the camera and giving a hang loose, with lava rock and mountains in the background
  • A drone shot of the top of the Mckenzie pass, featuring the Dwight Observatory made of lavarock
  • A picture taken from behind of 3 ciclist biking up the McKenzie Pass, surrounded by green, lush trees
  • A picture taken from behind of 2 ciclist biking up the McKenzie Pass, surrounded by green trees and a blue sky
  • Tour guide to teach, motivate, and inspire you while you ride
  • Water & snacks
  • Picnic at the Summit
  • Support vehicle with storage for personal items
  • Optional bike & helmet rental
  • Optional shuttle to and from Bend
  • Comfortable, weather appropriate athletic clothes
  • Phone/camera
  • A sense of adventure!
Oregon Bicycle Adventures Logo

Oregon Bicycle Adventures, LLC

(360) 483-7042

Bend, Oregon